Someone said something this week about having a place just for instant pot recipes but I'm not sure we really need one, we have this section for baking, which I could change the name to cooking if you prefer but I'm not sure we need two sections for different types of baking/cooking. Especially so because you can adapt instant pot recipes to cook with an ordinary oven and vice versa.
Instead it might be a good idea to use the acronym (IP) in the 'title' of your post to show it as an instant pot duo recipe or a similar type of appliance such as the ninja one. So if you had a recipe for cooking a whole chicken, your title might be "Herby whole chicken (IP)" ... Then people could see at a glance it was an instant pot recipe. In the same way if your recipe is by a conventional way of cooking you could use the tag (conv)
Good idea Sarah.
Good idea. Maybe 🤔 if the abbreviations IP and Conv came first it might be easy to search for them too?