As you may know, we have a few social media pages now. So far we have Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. If there are more that you use that you think would be helpful to us please let me know.
My aim is to reach as many people as possible, I'm hoping that some may find us via these social media links. However this can only happen if we post on those pages. Therefore if you use any of those apps please try to post on ours sometimes, as the more we post the more chance of people finding us.
I know however that not everyone uses social media, and so I plan on posting pictures of makes on those pages myself. I will only use your forum names and not link to your real identity, unless of course you specifically ask me to and it will be only something like on our blog pages a description of what was made a picture and the forum name of the person who made it. If you would rather nothing of yours was posted on social media for whatever reason then please let me know.
These are our social media links
The links are also on the front page of the site and I plan on adding them throughout the site as I get time.