The coloured granny squares were surrounded with a pale green, which I thought made the whole thing dull. I added orange to spice them up. Wish I hadn't.
Then Sally-Ann sent me a rich green. Was tempted to take the orange out, but I'd spent so much time, tears and sweat on it already, I didn't.
I like the dark green SO much! (I don't think the pic really shows what a deep forest green it is!)
Finished with a border of textured white yarn.
Harry says it's acceptable!!

Fab. Loving the colours. x
Looks great so colourful love it x
Lovely colours and very cosy. It always impresses me how the knitting/crochet ladies get wonderful straight lines. xx
Well as long as it’s acceptable to Harry that’s all you need😂😅. It looks cosy
Cosy lap rug maritrez and everyone likes different colour
we tend to only make items with our taste in colour though so I know what you mean ,