I made this teddy bear for Aurin, it is very soft and squishy and I think he likes blue he is starting to show a preference for blue toys. I didn't like the pattern much, the face looked awful I had to add the nose and eyebrows and did a bit of shaping to get it to look somewhat cute at least. I always seem to have trouble with teddy bears. I did use the technique I learnt from the mini kingdom book to secure the head to the body better, I wasn't sure it would work at this bigger size with heavier yarn but it worked great. You can't really see from the photo but i made a little dimple for his tummy button, we will see if Aurin takes to him or not. I made a big koala bear for him a while ago now and he just never took to it so I stored it in a large ziplock bag and will give it to charity, so if Aurin doesn't take to this I will do the same. I don't really like making stuff that can't be used or enjoyed by someone.

He is so huggable 🥰
Awww that is so sweet. xx
He is so lovely sarah
Aaaaw! Gosh - he is adorable, Sarah!!