i just finished one corner of my sampler crochet blanket, The latest addition to the corner is a kavan chi flower. (That’s a Japanese flower usually made in fabric. But I found it on you tube which had converted it in to crochet. X

Another three corners to go Linda . X
It’s gorgeous Linda. I love the different patterns. x
What can I say it’s .......... purple 😍 love it with green. An interesting sampler looking beautiful.
looking forward to see a pic of it when finished
Gorgeous, Linda!!!😀
It’s very eye catching I love the texture to it .x
This is really nice Linda i love all the different pattterns it will be gorgeous when complete .
That’s interesting I’ve never thought to work like that. I did do one pattern that was four long narrow strips like a scarf and then sewed them side by side to make a big blanket. It was a lot easier to work that way so I can see your corner method would work.
It’s not corner to corner it’s a crochet sample blanket for daughter jade. The corner to corner I am doing is small squares that I will sew together to make a useful item. And add crochet kazanchi flowers. All yet to be disclosed. I find it easier to do the big blanket by finishing a corner at a time of the blanket or I will get fed up with doing such a big item . 😉 x
I think I'm going crazy, I know I responded to this earlier and yet there are no comments. I don't know what happened. Maybe I forgot to press publish? Anyway I think it's so interesting looking and tactile. I can't wait to see it finished. I'm confused into how you are working, it doesn't look corner to corner, are you making big squares to sew together later?