Now - I really must stop this - but Simply Knitting had a cover gift this month of seven wooden heart-shaped stitch markers - and I couldn't resist turning them into bracelet charms.
Free bracelet from magazine offer, hearts stained red with nail varnish, and I did actually want rubies but only had diamonds - doh!
And I noticed some thief who recognises quality when he or she sees it has broken into the site and stolen my earrings! So here they are again, just in case!
What you make with the magazine free gifts always seems better than what they want you to make and certainly more creative.
( i think that old pictures disappear after a while to keep the size of the site down, it's all done by wix I don't think I have any control over it. ) however I did remember the earrings I have seen a lot of yarn based jewellery lately crocheted earrings and such