The first plate is one I painted for my daughter jade, she went on honeymoon to Thailand. It is an Asian elephant and lotus flower, on the back I did a map of Thailand and the places she travelled to from the south of Thailand to the north and the border with Burma, or Myanmar as they all it now.

Some animals

The ying and yang of two owls, a barn owl and a long eared owl.

I love painting on most things , slate is one of them this is the lion and the lamb

That’s it for now.
I am lucky to own the ying and yang owls.amazing art work Linda
Beautiful art work , just awesome
They're absolutely delightful! I especially like the yan-yang owls, so clever! x
They’re super, Linda! All gorgeous, and I love the Ying and Yang owls!
The meerkat is sweet, and the lion lying down with the lamb, and the mum and baby giraffes ( have I missed any?) all lovely subjects, beautifully executed!