If you are a member of this site and wish to remain one please reach out to me through members chat or leave a comment below this message or write a new forum message letting us know that you wish to be a site member. Normally I don't mind if people join the site and don't chat or comment, some people like to come and read and see the crafts and ideas here. However lately we have had a problem with people using bots and AI messages to leave links and advertising upon the site.
This site doesn't have advertising and we will not put up with hidden links and advertising hidden within AI messages. This site is paid for by the members and run by the members we are a non profit group, if you are here to advertise, then you are not welcome.
If you are here to enjoy the crafts and the knowledge of our members then you are very welcome, but send me a private message or say hello to the group in the forum and let us know you are a genuine member.
I will be purging the site of members that we don't know and who have not reached out to protect the site