Our site is not set up with a shop capabilities and we are not listed as a business. To avoid complications with taxes etc, it will probably stay that way for the time being. If we get more users I may look at it again.
What this means for us is that you can not solicit items for sales, post items with prices, send messages offering items for sale. What you can do however is when you post pictures or videos of items you have made you can mention that you intend to sell the item. Just as in the same way you might mention you have made something as a gift or that you have made it for your own personal use. You can also add a few words in your profile that you are willing to sell items and make items to order and that people should contact you privately, So that you can then agree sales outside of the site.
Something we are able to do is swap items. If for instance you paint you could offer a painting as a swap for a baby blanket or piece of jewellery. In the past we have successfully swapped items between countries to gain items that would otherwise be hard to get. If there is an interest in this kind of swap I would be happy to set up a group for craft swaps.
Craft swap items might be great for those of us with limited craft outlets