Well.....Here is my first card. Have to say I'm quite pleased with it, although it's a bit plain, I am waiting on sparkly gem bits to arrive!! It's for my brothers partner, and she loves cats. Really enjoyed making it once I got over my fight with the double sided tape that seemed to have a mind of its own!! Thanks for the wonderful and really helpful advice that you all gave me. x

You have done a fabulous job I love it I don’t think it needs much else a yarn ball that the cat could be playing with Might be cute but great how it is.xx
Thank you Sally-Ann. Will take a look. x
I don't know if its any help to you, instead of double-sided tape I use a glue-dot tape pen https://www.crafterscompanion.co.uk/crafters-companion-extra-strong-glue-tape-pen-dots.html
Thank you all for the lovely comments. Am hoping to make more cards at the weekend. Will post pics as and when I do. xx
You have done a great first card Tracey it’s lovely , if you fold the end of the double sided tape over ,it helps you un peel the backing easier once the tape is laid on card
Gorgeous. I bet you are chuffed. x
Less is more,as they say- and this is a great example!
She is bound to love that!