Always meant to do this pattern, from a long-ago magazine, but never got round to it.
Just finished - wee summer dress 👗- yarn and fabric both.
Made the large size so it will probably fit Maura next summer.
Fitted the straps at the back closer together so's they don't fall off the shoulders so easily.
The rainbow colour yarn knitted up a bit dull, but the material was fairly muted too so it doesn't look too bad.
Didn't do the bolero.
This was challenge enough for me!

Very nice, I think it looks better without the bolero now, you would never know it was an old pattern.
I took some of the tshirts that were too short for Alia but plently wide enough when she was younger and added a skirt to them, I had always inteneded to crochet a top and make a tutu skirt too but never got around to it. Maybe my daughter will have another girl and I'll get another opportunity.
That is an old pattern but so nice , great job I am sure it will be admired
It's lovely. The yarn and fabric go together so well. x
Its gorgeous, so clever to do fabric and yarn. The colours go together really well x