Harry said this white paint was lousy - too thin and he stopped using it, and bought other stuff. I thought rather than waste it I would use it. It took ages to mix - and was slippery and blubbery at the bottom. However - on with the rubber gloves, and I dipped some wooden Dollhouse furniture I had bought - cheaper than the finished stuff - and it was patchy . Harry was right , but as my Granny always said : "A man on a galloping horse wouldn't notice!"
Two chairs in the kids' bedroom, and the table and two chairs in the playroom.
So, listening for the sound of hooves, I also dipped some planters I had bought a couple of years ago in Morrison's which were getting manky - results not tool bad from a distance ( the bigger distance the better, frankly) and I will plant them up with some 8 for £10 plugs I got from Dobbies.
Gorgeous. I love the bedroom with the bunk beds and the little mattresses and blankets.
Looks fabulous great ideas you have xx
good that you put it to some use, nothing worse than bad paint. I have thinned it down and used it to give a wash effect in the past. I like your little dolls house stuff, i really like dolls houses.
They are great maritrez , considering you were going to bin it , and it will give everything some protection . Such a resourceful lady x
They are absolutely gorgeous Maritrez. The rooms look amazing. I love them. x