Sahara I would love to see photo of this hosts you have, they love the rain so it should be doing well they like shade as well look forward to seeing it.
It’s amazing he can keep it so neat at his age but it always looks wonderful. Tom went to to Ohio to see his mom last year and came back with part of a hosta they had one he really liked so they split it but when he planted it here it didn’t do well all last summer but this year it really got going and it looks great I’ll try to remember to take a picture of it. Right now it’s been raining for three days so everything looks a bit drowned.
Wow…..Linda your garden always looks so beautiful. The colours are gorgeous. Love the Hosta’s and Alpines on the rockery, such a lovely display. The garden pictures always brighten my day. Thank you for sharing. x 💖
Thank you LizB it's a big garden for John to look after as he is 88, but he still manages to do it a couple of hours a day. I will tell him that you think it's lovely.
Nice! 👍 Great show!
Love to see the actual aubergines come the season!
Lovely to see your garden again linda , I think John is marvellous keeping it so neat x
Sahara I would love to see photo of this hosts you have, they love the rain so it should be doing well they like shade as well look forward to seeing it.
It’s amazing he can keep it so neat at his age but it always looks wonderful. Tom went to to Ohio to see his mom last year and came back with part of a hosta they had one he really liked so they split it but when he planted it here it didn’t do well all last summer but this year it really got going and it looks great I’ll try to remember to take a picture of it. Right now it’s been raining for three days so everything looks a bit drowned.
Wow…..Linda your garden always looks so beautiful. The colours are gorgeous. Love the Hosta’s and Alpines on the rockery, such a lovely display. The garden pictures always brighten my day. Thank you for sharing. x 💖
Thank you LizB it's a big garden for John to look after as he is 88, but he still manages to do it a couple of hours a day. I will tell him that you think it's lovely.
Hi Linda, hope all is well. Your garden is so lovely.