Carolyn asked me what I had wrapped her Cork Challenge prize in and I didn't reply because I was trying to do a little research on it to find out what it actually is because I don't really know either. My research didn't really tell me anything, I can't find anything similar online. However I can tell you how I came about it.
I found it in the remnant bin of a 'joann fabrics' a fabric store. I thought it was interesting and useful looking, as us crafters tend to do, so I bought it, it was very cheap, I got about 4 yards of it. And there it has sat in my stash with me unable to think of a good use for it. When I was looking for something to wrap around the cork bag prize to protect it during shipping it was close at hand and seemed perfect.
It seems like a kind of iridescent cellophane but it has more drape and seems a bit thinner than cellophane, it is also textured. It makes a crinkly rustling noise, like they sometimes put inside babies toys. It came on a roll like fabric and it was backed with a thin paper, very similar to table napkins paper that had the exact same texture. I'm assuming that the process they used to texture it was done with the paper already backing it.
My guess is that it was sold for making bows and decorations, and maybe a disposable table cloth for parties or weddings. It seems like if the paper was left in place it would look quite pretty on a table.
If anyone has any ideas of what it could be used for let me know, all I can think of is for making flowers and bows, but there is quite a lot of it for that.

Looks very attractive and ornamental. The word ‘neoprene ’ leaps to my mind - but I might be just havering. It’s all this heat… ☀️ 🌞!
Very interesting and such a wonderful find. Would look lovely on the table at Christmas. Love the remnant bins. x
Very interesting can’t help identification though 😁