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Valentines Challenge Entries

Updated: Sep 16, 2022

I have been trying to judge the Valentine's Challenge entries and I just wanted to check that I have them all collated together and no one's entry was missing. Can you take a look through and check that all your entries are here and if you have one missing add it to the comments below. Thank you.... I think I have chosen our winner as long as I have all the entries correct.

The entries I have are made by the following members:

Row 1 PurpleLisa, PurpleLisa, Meer72

Row 2 PurpleLisa, Crafty Nannie, Crafty Nannie

Row 3 Maritrez, Maritrez, Maritrez

Row 4 Maritrez, Maritrez, Maritrez

Row 5 Maritrez, Little Juglans, Serendipity

Row 6 Little Juglans

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